Critical evaluation of the scholarly literature is a crucial skill for researchers. Through this course (along with its continuation, BMI 882), Ph.D. students in Biomedical Data Science will develop this valuable skill by focused reading and discussion of a variety of journal articles of present or historical importance the biomedical sciences literature, including biostatistics, biomedical informatics, and relevant topics in statistics and computer science. Students will read and discuss one article or a small group of related articles each week. Students will provide short written summaries in advance of discussion. In addition to the readings and discussion, there will be two written homework assignments related to the articles under discussion. These homework assignments will involve an effort to reproduce the results of an article, the use of computer simulation to investigate properties of methods discussed in an article, or application of the discussed methods to related biomedical data.

Course meetings: Tu/Thu 8:30-9:20, 4765 MSC

Instructor: Karl Broman, 6743 Medical Sciences Center

Office hours by appointment