There are a number of ways in which one may wish to customize the interactive graphs produced by R/qtlcharts, such as different colors or axis labels. Our main approach to allow such customization is through a function argument, chartOpts
Use of these options is described in the R/qtlcharts User Guide.
The following is a listing of the customization options for each chart. You can also use the chart option caption
to provide a caption for the chart. (The caption
option is mostly intended for stand-alone html files.)
width = 1000
— width of image in pixels
height = 900
— total height of image in pixels
margin = list(left=60, top=20, right=60, bottom=40)
— margins in pixels (left, top, right, bottom)
ylab = "Response"
— y-axis label
xlab = "Individuals"
— x-axis label
rectcolor = "#E6E6E6"
— color of background rectangle
qucolors = NULL
— vector of colors for the quantile curves
histcolors = c("#0074D9", "#FF4136", "#3D9970", "MediumVioletRed", "black")
— vector of colors for selected histograms
height = 550
— height of chart in pixels
width = 400
— width of chart in pixels
title = ""
— title for chart
margin = list(left=60, top=40, right=40, bottom=40, inner=5)
— margins in pixels (left, top, right, bottom, inner)
xlab = "group"
— x-axis label
ylab = "response"
— y-axis label
axispos = list(xtitle=25, ytitle=30, xlabel=5, ylabel=5)
— position of axis labels in pixels (xtitle, ytitle, xlabel, ylabel)
titlepos = 20
— position of chart title in pixels
jitter = "beeswarm"
— method for jittering points (beeswarm|random|none)
ylim = NULL
— y-axis limits
yticks = NULL
— vector of tick positions on y-axis
nyticks = 5
— no. ticks on y-axis
rectcolor = "#E6E6E6"
— color of background rectangle
pointcolor = NULL
— color for points
pointsize = 3
— size of points in pixels
pointstroke = "black"
— color of outer circle for po