R/qtl2 QTL analysis for high-dimensional data and complex crosses
R/qtl2 (aka qtl2) is a reimplementation of the QTL analysis software R/qtl, to better handle high-dimensional data and complex cross designs.
Also see the related packages, qtl2convert (for converting data among the R/qtl2, DOQTL, and R/qtl formats), qtl2fst (for storing genotype probabilities on disk), and qtl2ggplot (for ggplot2-based data visualizations).
Discussion group
For discussion/questions about R/qtl2, join the rqtl2-disc google group. Or join rqtl-announce for announcements about R/qtl and R/qtl2. (We’ll try to keep the original rqtl-disc group for the discussion/questions about the original R/qtl only.)
Install R/qtl2 from CRAN:
- user guide
- categorized list of functions in R/qtl2
- input file formats (also see the sample data files and the qtl2data repository)
- using qtl2fst for on-disk genotype probabilities
- preparing diversity outbred mouse data for R/qtl2
- resources for mouse genome build GRCm39
- genotype diagnostics for diversity outbred mice
- identifying sample mix-ups in diversity outbred mice
- differences between R/qtl and R/qtl2
- developer guide
- HMM benchmarks
- Tutorial on R/qtl2 by Susan McClatchy and Dan Gatti
To cite R/qtl2 in publications, use:
Broman KW, Gatti DM, Simecek P, Furlotte NA, Prins P, Sen Ś, Yandell BS, Churchill GA (2019) R/qtl2: software for mapping quantitative trait loci with high-dimensional data and multi-parent populations. Genetics 211:495-502
Sources on github:
- The source for R/qtl2
- The source for R/qtl2convert and R/qtl2fst
- The source for this website