This is an example to show how to write a R Markdown document.

First I’ll load the packages and the data (from the web).

surveys <- read.csv("")

The data has 30652 rows and 13 columns.

Here’s a scatterplot of hindfoot length vs weight:

ggplot(surveys, aes(x=weight, y=hindfoot_length)) +

Here are the first few lines of the data, for some selected columns:

surveys %>% select(species_id, weight, hindfoot_length) %>% head()
##   species_id weight hindfoot_length
## 1         NL    204              32
## 2         NL    199              34
## 3         NL    197              32
## 4         NL    166              33
## 5         NL    184              32
## 6         NL    206              32