6 min read

omg, binder!

At his talk at RStudio::conf, Karthik Ram discussed binder as a useful solution for reproducible research (see the video), and I thought, “What is this dark magic?” You put a small configuration file in your GitHub repository and suddenly you can open it live in RStudio on some cloud server somewhere. Seems too good to be true. But I trusted him, mentioned it in my talk at AAAS yesterday, and talked it up to Jeff Leek.

I spent the afternoon walking around DC, and then when it started to rain I came in and decided I’d give binder a try. I figured my Fruit Snacks project would make a good example.

The documentation for binder is quite comprehensive, but I found it rather confusing. So it took me a bit of experimentation to figure things out. And I’m eager to try to explain what I learned in the simplest possible terms.

What’s the point?

First, let me make the awesomeness a bit more concrete.

Say you have some code and data for a paper that you’ve just written, and you want to share it with the world. You put it all in a GitHub repository, and people can pull it down to their laptop to work with it, but maybe they’ll need to install a bunch of packages, and maybe they’ll need to do a bit of work to make sure they have just the right versions of packages. Ugh, this is all getting a bit hard.

Back up, with binder. You’ve put your code and data in a github repository. Other people maybe want to try it out and peruse the work. They click on the “launch binder” badge in your ReadMe file, and it opens RStudio in their browser, with all the right packages installed and with your code and data sitting there, ready to work with.

Click this to see my example in action: Binder

Open the fruit_snacks.Rmd file in the R/ directory and click the “Knit” button, and it will run my permutation tests and open the compiled report.

And what do you need to do to make this happen? You’ll be surprised by how simple it is, because you just need three things:

  • tell binder you want R, using the MRAN snapshot of CRAN from a particular date
  • tell binder what packages to install
  • use the right URL, to have binder open your project in RStudio in a browser (namely with “?urlpath=rstudio” at the end)

Initial reorganization

Okay, so what did I need to do to use binder with my Fruit Snacks project?

First, I made a copy of the GitHub repository and deleted a bunch of stuff, because it’s a bit bloated with pictures of fruit snacks.


git clone git://github.com/kbroman/FruitSnacks FruitSnacksBinder
cd FruitSnacksBinder
\rm -rf .git
\rm -r Photos
\rm PhotoGallery.md Makefile
\rm R/create_thumbnails.R R/generate_photo_gallery.R

Then I initialized it as a new git repository.

git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"

I created a new repository on GitHub, and push the local repository there.

git remote add origin git@github.com:kbroman/FruitSnacksBinder
git push -u origin master

(Note, I always use the ssh method of connecting to GitHub. You might want https://github.com/ where I’m using git@github.com:.)

This puts me at a nice clean state. The repository has

  • ReadMe and License files
  • A Data/ directory containing a few CSVs, a couple of PDFs, and a couple of xlsx files
  • An R/ directory with an R script that defines a few functions plus a couple of R Markdown files that contain my analyses.

The R Markdown files automatically install my R/broman package, if it’s not available. This isn’t recommended behavior, and we won’t need this with binder, so I removed the lines like

if(!require(broman)) {
    install.packages("broman", repos="https://cran.rstudio.com")

and replaced them with


How to use binder with R

Okay, now on to the real bit. We need to do three things:

1. Create a file called runtime.txt that has just one line like:


This tells binder that you want R, and that you want R packages from a particular date.

2. Specify the R packages that you want installed by creating a file called install.R that contains one or more install.packages() calls, like this:

                   "knitr", "rmarkdown",
                   "caTools", "bitops", "rprojroot"))

3. The last thing is to make a badge, or anyway the URL that will have binder open your repository in RStudio in a browser. The url is like this:


The ?urlpath=rstudio at the end of the URL is what makes the RStudio aspect happen.

To make a proper badge, you put a line like the following in your README.md file:

[![Binder](https://mybinder.org/badge_logo.svg)]( put_url_here )

The first time you launch binder, it’ll be quite slow to load as it has to create the container and install R and RStudio and all of the packages and everything. Subsequent times it’ll be much faster, though not particularly fast.

An alternative

There’s an alternative to step 2 above, where you created the install.R file. Instead of making that file, you can make a DESCRIPTION file, sort of like an R package, like this:

Package: FruitSnacks
Version: 0.1
Date: 2019-02-18
Description: Fruit Snacks project arranged for myBinder.org
Author: Karl W Broman <broman@wisc.edu>
    R (>= 3.5.0)

The two approaches do the same thing. I think the install.R approach seems easier, but the DESCRIPTION approach maybe seems more natural for R package developers, and would allow the repository to use this binder business and also be a proper R package.

The master branch of my FruitSnacksBinder repository uses the install.R approach.

I tried out the DESCRIPTION file approach in the description branch of that repository.

To use binder with a non-master branch in your repository, you edit master in the URL to the name of the branch you want to use, like this:


Wait, was that it?

Yes, that was it.

  1. An runtime.txt file with a line like r-2019-02-14
  2. Either an install.R file or a DESCRIPTION file. The key thing here is specifying what packages to install.
  3. Make a badge with the correct URL.


There are some important limitations of binder.

  • It’s a pilot; it’s not likely to continue long term the way it is now (totally free).
  • You get just 1-2 GB RAM for your project.


Putting the code and data for a project or paper on GitHub is an awesome thing. People can grab it and explore it and test it and modify it for other purposes.

But there are some hassles, including getting all of the packages installed, and installing the right versions of packages.

Docker containers are a clear and important solution to this problem, but many of us still find them a bit complicated and scary.

Binder can bring that docker magic to all of our github repositories, with just three small steps.