If you love git and GitHub, you’ll also love GitHub Pages, for producing websites using Markdown and git: you write pages in Markdown within a gh-pages
branch in a git repository; when you push to GitHub, a corresponding site is automatically constructed.
Last night, I wrote a minimal tutorial on how I’ve been using this (for example, for the website for my R/qtlcharts package, on interactive graphics for QTL data).
In the tutorial, I wrote:
(For example, I don’t like how simple code is rendered in red within a gray box. Ultimately I’ll try to figure out how to change that, but for now I just pretend that I like it that way.)
But this morning, I figured out how to change that: create my own css file with the following code:
code {
padding: 0;
font-size: 90%;
color: black;
background-color: white;
border: 0px solid white;
And then add a line to the default.html