I got the following email.
Subject: i have a question? Date: May 18, 2012 7:57:56 AM CDT how can i enter the data of QTL analysis.
That was the whole thing.
I presume that the writer wishes to use my R/qtl software.
I could probably respond helpfully (for example, “See the sample data files and code at the R/qtl web site.”), but can’t I expect more from people seeking my help?
I suppose there are three options:
Just answer the inferred question.
Answer the inferred question, but in an offensive way.
Ask the writer to provide further details.
I chose the third option, but I probably should have chosen the first. A fabulously useful person who I greatly admire is well known for his use of the middle option.
I responded
Your question is not answerable without further details.
to which the correspondent replied
How can i analysis data the by RQTL?
I responded with links to tutorials, sample data files, and my book with Śaunak Sen.