class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # UW-Madison
Biomedical Data Science
Karl Broman
--- # Why UW-Madison? - Science - People - Madison --- # Goal Skills and training to - Gain understanding of some area of biomedical research - Develop statistical/computational methods <br/> to answer relevant scientific questions - Implement those methods in software --- # Why _biomedical data science_ ? - growth in scale and complexity of biomedical data - biostatistics + biomedical informatics --- # About the BDS PhD program - flexible coursework - but both statistics and computer science - at least 2 biology courses - 3 semester-long research rotations (fall, spring, and summer of 1st year) - literature course; professional skills course - no written exam - oral exam in 3rd year - PhD thesis and oral defense --- # PhD coursework: statistical genomics ![](index_files/figure-html/plot_genomics_student-1.svg)<!-- --> --- # PhD coursework: bioinformatics ![](index_files/figure-html/plot_bioinformatics_student-1.svg)<!-- --> --- # PhD coursework: clinical biostat/informatics ![](index_files/figure-html/plot_clin_biostat_student-1.svg)<!-- -->