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Two more points about crayon colors

If you want to use crayon colors in R but you don’t want to rely on my R/broman package, you can just grab the code. Copy the relevant lines from the R/brocolors.R file:

crayons = c("Almond"="#efdecd",
            "Antique Brass"="#cd9575",
            "Yellow Green"="#c5e384",
            "Yellow Orange"="#ffb653")

I spent a bit of time thinking about how best to sort the colors in a meaningful way, for the plot_crayons() function. But then decided to stop thinking and just do something brainless: measure distance between colors by RMS difference of the RGB values, and then use hierarchical clustering. Here’s the code from plot_crayons():

# get rgb
colval <- t(col2rgb(crayons))

# hclust to order the colors
ord <- hclust(dist(colval))$order

It’s not perfect, but I think it worked remarkably well:

Crayon colors