Mouse Map Grid
Analysis with the following purposes:
Shift the Liu et al (2014) mouse genetic map so that 0 cM corresponds to 0 Mbp.
Calculate a grid of markers across the genome.
Get interpolated cM positions for the markers on the GigaMUGA array.
Analysis document: mouse_map_grid.html
Source R Markdown file: mouse_map_grid.Rmd
- Liu et al. map with the genetic maps shifted so that 0 cM == 0 Mbp. -
- New 0.02 cM grid across mouse genome. -
- New 0.02 cM grid across mouse genome, with additional pseudomarkers added so that there are no gaps > 0.5 Mbp. -
- GigaMUGA snps with cM positions taken from the Liu et al. map. -
- MegaMUGA snps with cM positions taken from the Liu et al. map.